Eepurrs commissions

Commissions status: open!

Commission Prices

Flat shaded style
Headshot - $8
Halfbody - $12
Fullbody - $16
(+ any extra character 50% of price)
Painterly/rough style
Headshot - $25
Fullbody - $45
(+ any extra characters $12 unless they aren’t very visible in the background
(comes with commissions)
Transparent/pattern/one color, or 1-2 prop backgrounds - free
Other/not listed backgrounds, can range from 10$-39$ depending on complexity
prices may be increased over time if I start to get more commissions, a lot of these are temporary prices which I’ll increase if I become more busy with commissions


By commissioning me you agree to my TOS, please read it before commissioning me

PayPal only
• I can decline any commission
• Give me clear character references
• Payment must be upfront/after the sketch
• no refunds unless I am unable to complete the drawing
• I will give you my sketch of the drawing for you to approve, and then I will continue the drawing
• Turnaround time for my art ranges from a few hours to 1 week
• if you notice an error I’ve made with your drawing, or you want me to change some things, let me know and I will fix it. However, after a couple days, it will be unlikely that I fix it
• I usually post the commission, so please let me know if you don’t want me to post it online
• if you are interested in another art style of mine/a specific style, please show me which piece(s) style you’d like me to draw in. (I will not copy other artists styles)
If you’re looking for something else other than anything listed here like pixel art or animation- talk to me about it, however it will likely take much longer than a regular commissionArtwork for personal use only, if your looking for commercial work please let me know

What I do draw
- Most Animals (feral/anthro)
- Humans/Humanoids (headshots only currently)
- Backgrounds (can do any, but mainly skilled with outdoor/nature backgrounds)

What I don’t draw
- Heavy gore
- Hateful content
- Very very detailed characters

If you have any questions please let me know :)